This page is dedicated to the Which of the month we will review anything and everything and find out with is the best of its kind. This month Which is taking a look at the Mac mags.

Mac User

This mag is for the user who is not interested in cover disks and shareware but more in using their computer for serious work. It has many reviews on the latest application programs and large features on specialised products eg DTP. If you are a business person who uses a mac at work and is in charge of buying software this is the mag for you. Another of the good points about this mag is that is is very reasonably priced unlike some mags
Price £3.95/£2.95

Cover Media CD/Disk


The Mac

This mag is a general all round mag with with good topics for the amateur user. There is helpful advise inside about how to get out of sticky situations and plenty reviews as well. In my opinion the best thing about this mag is its price at only £2.95 with a disk its the one of the best value mags on the market. Unfortunately the CD lets it down slightly with its user interface and very few demos and games.
Price £2.95/£3.95

Cover Media disk or CD


Mac Format

This is my regular magazine and in my opinion is the best mac mag on the market at the moment. The cover CD is well laid out with plenty shareware on it to keep you busy for ages and some premium quality demos. It is the only Mac mag that I have seen with a questionare inside and they obviously take what the readers want into consideration. The style of the layout has greatly improved from when it first came out with little notes on the side of every page which often make me chuckle. "Oh here it comes the downers" I here you cry well my only little quibble is that is is over a pound dearer that most of the other magazines. Why? When only a couple of months ago they cut about 2.6cms of the side of the mag to reduce paper costs!

Price £3.99/£4.99

Cover Media 1 or 2 disks or a CD.


Mac Action

This is a new mag on the market but so far it has proven to be good. On the cover CD you get plenty demos and the best of crop of the latest shareware and bargain software. The good news for humble floppy disk owners like myself is that you always get at least 2 floppies with your mag. Inside there is a glossy feel to it all with the mag concentrating on the entertainment side of owning a mac. This magazine reviews the most games out of all the mags and has up to the minute news on what's happening abroad in the games market.

Price £3.95/£4.95

Cover Media 2 disks or a CD



If you want to buy a new application, piece of hardware or virtually any piece of software then you will probably find it advertised in this magazine. If not give it a miss. The mag is packed full with adverts and, if you can find them, the odd review of an application. I can find no real structure to the magazine as there are no sections in it as such. All the reviews etc are dotted in between the adverts. The cover disk usually only has demos of new applications on it and no shareware or games.
Price £2.95/£3.95

Cover Media a CD or disk


Well that just about wraps this page up for the month. Remember we're here to find the best of anything so start sending in those suggestions you know the address. What do you mean you don't? huh it's on the first page.

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